SandBag TV Ep. #3
The Museum Of Iron
with Carl Hensel (The Master Of Muscle)
If you think it’s weird that Sandbag TV Ep. #3 is coming out before episode #2, that makes sense. It is strange, but I really wanted this episode to come out now, especially with the feedback we got for our podcast with Carl from Tuesday it only seemed right to put this one up now.
I’ve been working on this one for a few weeks, and I think It’s really educational if you are truly into learning about weightlifting, and it’s history in Australia.
Following our podcast with Carl we actually get an invite to Carl’s studio to come have a look at some of his dad’s old weightlifting equipment. All still functional but also with so much history in each piece.
When picking up a bar for example you can actually feel the bar radiating a certain aura of power. When standing in the studio, you can tell that some very strong people have lifted what you are playing with. It really is quite surreal.
You Can Check out the Podcast by clicking on the picture below
SandBag TV Ep. #3
The Museum Of Iron
With Carl Hensel
Carl Hensel
Carl is an artist & physique photographer from Newcastle. Known in his circle as the ‘Master of Muscle’ Carl has shot bodybuilders, personal trainers, and physique competitors from all over. (His portfolio includes names like Lee Priest) Carl was born into a family that prioritized strength training, so it’s no wonder he ended up having something to do with the fitness industry. He has created this ‘Museum of Iron’ as a studio for his artistic works. It is made up of a collection of equipment, from his father’s gym, the Hackenschmidt Weightlifting Club.

Joe Hensel, Carl’s Father
Joe Hensel
Joe Hensel was Carl’s father, and a true pioneer in the sport of weightlifting. Also exposed to strength training at an early age (by his father), Joe eventually found weightlifting. This was an outlet to compete and showcase the hard training that him and his friends took part in. Soon Joe was heavily involved in the Australian Weightlifting Federation, giving back as a judge and technical official. He opened the Hackenschmidt Weightlifting club in 1944 and the rest is history. Some of the strongest lifters to come out of Australia have come for this prestigious club. Joe was the first secretary of the Newcastle Weightlifting Association, and held the position right up to his death.
Joe was fervent in growing the sport of weightlifting and disseminating information about training to the masses. He was a favourite as an MC during weightlifting competitions and produced the “Australian Weightlifter” magazine, which was full of information gathered from top strength enthusiasts around the world.
Other notable accomplishments include:
- Manager/Coach of the 1956 Olympic team
- Secretary/Treasurer (1957-1965)
- Vice President (1953- 1955) of the Australian Weightlifting Federation
- Member of the Organising Committee of the 1962 Commonwealth Games
Sadly Joe died in 1983 of leukemia. The important thing however is that his legacy lives on. I can already see this happening as the sport in the region is once again growing in popularity and strength, as shown by the folks at Hunter Barbell (once again producing top athletes)
Most of the equipment that Carl showed us came from Joe and His fathers gym/ collection.
Last Words
This is probably my favourite SandBag TV Episode to date. I kept it as unedited as I could, so it would be like you being in the room with us, playing with the equipment, talking to Carl, and learning from our weightlifting forefathers.
I hope you guys have as much fun watching this as I did making it. If you have any questions please ask away. Lastly please share this on your personal pages and weightlifting blogs etc. Joe Hensel’s story and Carl’s Museum Of Iron is a work of art in itself, let alone the photo’s he takes. The whole world should know about it!
P.S. This post could not have been possible without the Carl Hensel, If you are a personal trainer, physique competitor or even in the bodybuilding scene you need to check out the photographs that he comes up with. I really implore you all to find Carl on Facebook, follow him on Instagram and Check out his Website! In particular you need to check out this PAGE that has some really cool photos of Carl’s dads gym and Joe Hensel himself. Thank you so much Carl!!
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