All Comers Weightlifting Competition
The Raw and shred teams travel up to Odd sock Halterophilie, a weightlifting gym in North Strathfield to take part in their ‘All Comers Weightlifting competition. Designed to introduce brand new lifters to the sport of weightlifting, the competition is unsanctioned by NSW weightlifting and the AWF. this means no hefty association fees just a simple $20 entry! This is an amazing way for new lifters to have a go and get exposed to the awesome sport of weightlifting. We are very thankful to both Steve and Pete for putting these events on for the sport.
We get plenty of footage of both the RAW barbell club and Shred Barbell Club lifters in the warm-up room and on stage and we can’t wait to see how they progress through the sport!
Highlights from the video:
Chantelle shows us how to warmup in style
Rawaan Chalks her hands
Kush nails a PR snatch
Rawaan, Chantelle, Eve, Matt, Jack and Ed have their first go at competing.
Featured lifters
Enjoy the video
Check out Odd Socks Halterophilie on Facebook | Instagram | Website
If you are interested in the next All Comers Weightlifting competition they are holding one on Sunday the 16/10/2016. Check it out because spots fill up fast!
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