by rawbarbellclub | Jun 1, 2017 | RAW Quick Tips, Uncategorized, Youtube
Not Jumping Enough Have you ever been told that you don’t move your feet enough in the snatch or clean? That you are not jumping enough? Jane has… We’ve been working on Jane being able to use her legs and in particular her hips on her snatches for...
by rawbarbellclub | May 25, 2017 | RAW Quick Tips, Uncategorized, Youtube
Pull Back NOT Up in High Pulls At RAW Barbell Club we coach lifters to pull back not up in High Pulls. A lot of athletes and coaches struggle to see the transfer between pulls and high pulls to the Snatch and Clean. Really it’s often due to execution. If we look...
by rawbarbellclub | May 11, 2017 | RAW Quick Tips, Uncategorized, Youtube
Struggle Hitting Snatch Depth? Do you struggle hitting snatch depth? Often that struggle is a fear avoidance strategy. The truth is you need to own that bottom position. You do that by getting comfortable in the hole and getting fast a efficient at getting there. Hers...